

26 BMJ Open - Korean frailty and aging cohort study (KFACS): cohort profile PDF 관리자 2020-04-24 844
25 신진영, 한설희, 최재경. Exposure to Ambient Air Pollution and Cognitive Impairment ... 관리자 2019-10-15 204
24 [J Nutr Health Aging] AN OPTIMAL QUESTIONNAIRE REPRESENTING SLOW GAIT SPEED(<1M/... 관리자 2019-08-02 131
23 [AGG] Hearing loss is related with social frailty in a cummunity-dwelling older adu... 관리자 2019-08-02 129
22 Association between plasma levels of growth differentiation factor-15 and renal fun... 이미지 관리자 2019-01-27 146
21 Combinations of gait speed testing protocols (automatic vs manual timer, dynamic vs... 관리자 2019-01-27 120
20 The Association between Frequency of Social Contact and Frailty in Older People: Ko... PDF 관리자 2019-01-27 213
19 Sarcopenia guidelines: 근감소증의 선별검사, 진단, 관리에 대한 국제임상지침 - 원장원 관리자 2018-12-28 496
18 Discrepancies in the prevalence of known frailty scales; Korean Frailty and Aging C... PDF 관리자 2018-11-13 164
17 Calf circumference as a screening tool for cognitive frailty - J Clin Med PDF 관리자 2018-11-05 322
16 Effects of Aerobic and Resistance Training on Carotid A. Intima-Media & Flow Ve... PDF 관리자 2018-11-05 106
15 Construction of KFACS study (KFACS 소개) - AGMR PDF 관리자 2018-11-05 225
14 Use of Frailty in Deciding Clinical Tx Goals for Chr' Dis in Elderly Pts (노쇠... 관리자 2018-11-05 123
13 Frailty Index & FRAIL-NH Scale in a LTC Hospital (요양병원에서의 FRAIL-NH Scale... PDF 관리자 2018-10-25 119
12 Frailty prevalence according to variable scales (노쇠평가도구에 따라 노쇠 유병률이 ... PDF 관리자 2018-10-25 405
11 How to diagnose frailty for Koreans (한국노인에서의 근감소증 진단법은?) - Ann Geria... PDF 관리자 2018-09-23 216
10 Mapping the knowledge structure of frailty (노쇠관련 논문의 최근 트렌드는?) - PLoS One 관리자 2018-09-23 387
9 Frailty, cognition on 3-year mortality (노쇠와 인지기능이 3년 치사율에 미치는 영향... 관리자 2018-09-23 169
8 Chronotype, physical activity & dementia (인지기능 유지를 위한 적절한 신체활동... 관리자 2018-09-23 141
7 Gait variability vs cognition (보행변이가 크면 인지기능이 저하될까?) - Dement Geria... 관리자 2018-09-23 289
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한국노인노쇠코호트사업단 Korean Frailty and Aging Cohort Study (KFACS)
서울특별시 동대문구 경희대로 23 노쇠학술연구원 / 전화:02-958-2835 / 이메일
